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Friday, April 5, 2019

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: Open Letter to People of Faith: Why we shouldn't w...

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: Open Letter to People of Faith: Why we shouldn't w...: I've been thinking a lot about this lately. How are we, as a people of faith, supposed to move forward, in the process of building a bet...

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: Reconciling Violence, Terrorism, and War: a Path F...

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: Reconciling Violence, Terrorism, and War: a Path F...: We should all be well aware that America is most decidedly *not* the standard bearer of human rights, justice, and freedom. In fact, I belie...

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: The Mormon Church Goes Sideways of Cis-Het Suprema...

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: The Mormon Church Goes Sideways of Cis-Het Suprema...:   Wh...

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: Mormon Church Tries To Pass Off Anti-LGBT Bigotry ...

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: Mormon Church Tries To Pass Off Anti-LGBT Bigotry ...: The Mormon church is severely triggering some of my severe PTSD, because today they made an announcement as being a great breakthrough, ...

Mormon Church Tries To Pass Off Anti-LGBT Bigotry as April Fools Joke: The Secrets Out, THEY STILL HATE US

The Mormon church is severely triggering some of my severe PTSD, because today they made an announcement as being a great breakthrough, and welcoming of LGBTQIA People. It most definitely is not in any way. I can tell you, as a Bishop in the Mormon Church, when I came out, most of the members are abhorrent bigots. They deliberately map out the cities for missionaries to tract only in highly favorable GOP neighborhoods, the more wealthy, and mostly homeowners. They deliberately exclude the more diverse neighborhoods from any chance of ever hearing their version of the gospel, or chance to join their church.
The demographics are completely rigged, and contrived, so that the overwhelming majority of possible members, are those most favorable to their bigotry. But still, their heinously bigoted proclamation 3 years ago, that attacked, and singled out LGB TQIA People for exclusion, alienation, and sanctioned hate, has gotten millions of Mormons to second guess their religion, and became enlightened to the forked tongues machinating maleficence through *counterfeit love*.
I have 3 daughters....they were commanded to have counterfeit love towards me, their Father. They were commanded to utterly reject and hate me. You can't imagine the intense pain in my heart this has caused me. I haven't heard from any of them or talked to them now, for 6 years, since I came out.
The LD$'s 3 Year Long April Fools Joke, about proclaiming through a direct revelation from the mouth of God, that children of LGBTQIA families cannot be baptized until they reach 18, and then, only if they renounce, reject, and severely repudiate their Queer Family.....and then today announcing that 3 years later, it was all an **April Fools Joke**, and that the previous revelation from the **Hand** of God, was actually a great big lie, and we really just pulled that out of our the epitome of a *clusterfolk*, or how not to be a religion.
That counterfeit policy, commanding members to have counterfeit love for their own family members, directly caused the deaths of thousands of people, and consequently the church is bleeding hundreds of thousands of members.....that's the real reason they announced they were merely *joking around*, and what they said was not real then, now, or ever. Sadly, it was a sideways move, though. The LD$ still announced they are all-in to complete and utter *exclusion* of LGBTQIA people, with their hateful Cisgender-Heterosexual Supremacism, and Xenophobia.
Meanwhile, in Utah, they just now legalized sex before marriage. A law they never followed except as a guise for the so called 'law of chastity'. In all truth, 90% of the population should have been jailed for fornication, if they went by their asinine law. The fact is, all LGBTQIA can all now follow their Law of Chastity, by getting married, and having all their ***Queer as Folk*** sex, all within the bounds of marriage. So when Queer Marriage became the law of the land, the church should have kept all LGBTQIA People inside the Plan of Happiness......but it was never about the 'Law of Chastity'....rather, it was all about trying to *hide* their utter bigotry in **secret combinations**, like the Cult of Korihore.
And they actually claim their *stuff* don't stink, because they have abdicated their brains, because, **triumphalism*. The sure sign of a cult. I am so grateful that Community of Christ abdicated Triumphalism decades ago. Thank you so much, otherwise there is absolutely no way I would ever consider being here.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Mormon Church Goes Sideways of Cis-Het Supremacy: Goes All-In to Hateful Bigotry

 What a crock of crap. This *cult* is trying to tell us they are getting these commandments directly from God, and that for 4 years God wanted LGBT people to suffer in Outer Darkness (mormon hell), and experience hell-on-earth, with church-wide maleficent intentions toward LGBT people. Make no mistake, the church, was, is now, and ever will be, malevolent toward all LGBT people. The are an exclusivist pile of crap. 

What God sees as right, has always been right. God does not suddenly change their mind, and say, "Oh, the last thing I told you, ya, I was just kidding about that". All bigotry is always wrong and purely man made evil. No bigotry is God invented. Make no mistake, Cis-Gender Supremacy, Hetero-Supremacy, Xenophobia, Exclusionism, Alienationism, Apostacy-labeling, are all heinously evil bigotries invented by the machinations of sadistically vile, repugnant, and evil White Men.

So they made a sideways move on the Queer Community. Whoop-de-do! They still suck proverbial manure. This improves the lives of no one. It is so clear they made this side shift to assuage the members who are on the verge of leaving the cult, to stay. Mormon LD$ is hemorrhaging hundreds of thousands of members, and the tens of Millions of dollars they pay in tithing, precisely because of the Hate, Bigotry, and Bull-Crap Policies these Rich, White, Legacied, old Men are pulling out of their abhorrently hateful **backsides**. 

Mormonism is a human pariah. Out of 240 Nations on Earth, **only 73** still hold to the wrongful machinations of bigoted men, that being ****Cis-Het Supremacism****. Mormonism is a world Laggard when it comes to the truth, and *beneficence*. A majority of Faiths, and Religions, have thrown off their bigotry-baggage. Atheism, and Agnosticism have never bought into the **Cult** of Bigotry Perpetration, so they have always known more of God's **truth** than every last one of the Churches than held to anti-LGBTQIA ideas, and doctrine. 

I openly spit in the face of this machination, intending to bring favor, and a substantial reduction in world-wide resentment toward LD$, as a *Jump the Shark* moment. I'm so over you. I finally see you for what you are....A Cult of Supremacism, of Cliques, and Klans....the Church of "MY SHIT DON'T STINK". The best wisdom I have ever gotton from anyone, was my father, a Holocaust Survivor, when he told me, "Never associate yourself with any person, place, thing, or entity, that holds to the axiom of **My Shit Don't Stink**." The Mormons think their Shit Don't Stink....they are Shitting **You**, and continue to make every effort to do so.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Reconciling Violence, Terrorism, and War: a Path Forward

We should all be well aware that America is most decidedly *not* the standard bearer of human rights, justice, and freedom. In fact, I believe we are a serious laggard in all 3 areas. America is the guilty party in 2 of the most bloody Genocides in human history, that of exterminating over 100 Million North American Aboriginal People, and at least 40 Million Africans. Neither of those people's have freedom in America, to this very day. If anything, America has far more to atone for than anyone in Europe does.
 This week I embark on a trip, which is for the purpose of attending a Triennial World Conference, for my church. There will be many things to celebrate and rejoice in, many friends to meet for the first time, as well as new friends to make. What makes me truly excited to be attending for my first time, and also as a voting delegate. We will be voting on many resolutions, some of which will, after much deliberation, become doctrine and/or policy. One resolution in particular grabs my attention. It is one that rejects all forms of , Violence, including acts of terrorism, war, and financing wars". What is to be rejected here....what is objectionable? The failure to pass, explicitly and publicly proclaims that we are for those horrible things. Do we need to be reminded that America has not won a war in nearly 75 years. It is not a fluke. There has not been a justifiable war America has been involved in since. Granted there has been justifiable war, but America chose not to enter those.

But the fact that America is involved in perpetrating more than 36 wars all over the world right now, and contemplating several coup-de-etat's, i.e. Venezuela, utilizing methods of terrorism, and drones, to bomb civilian populations, and the United States spends 75 cents of every dollar of Public Money, on it's Military Industrial Complex. These wars are being perpetrated in yours and my name, whether we agree with them or not. Would Jesus have us support these things? I think not.

There is nothing about this that is anti Military Service. As I stated, I served in the Army, and all my siblings have served in every branch of the Military. My Father is a Holocaust Survivor, and always explained to me war is evil, barbaric, and wrong, always. We have to be very morally justified to ever enter into another war, and commit barbarism. 

Certainly there is no one in this church that can, with a straight face, stand up and say they are for, and support terrorism, in any way shape or form. It is unequivocally the most un-Godly act that can ever be perpetrated. Violence Against the Earth, is another important issue addressed in the resolution. America is 4% of World population, raping the world, primarily the Southern hemisphere, of 60% of the worlds resources That is unjust, and immoral, and cannot stand in perpetuity. We stand by and acquiesce to Fossil Fuel Companies rape the Rain Forest, and commit genocide against indigenous people. That cannot be supported, or allowed to stand. 

Ideologies of Injustice and/or violence, is a no brainer. If we can't openly agree that things such as, but not limited to; nationalism, white-nationalism,populism, racism, bigotry, sexism, classism, colonialism, imperialism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia are out and out evil, abhorrent, and wrong, then we are doomed. We're talking Nazism/ Fascism. The Church cannot be seen as being *for* these things. 

Finally, the best part of the resolution: we support a global, ecumenical, and interfaith actions, toward Justice and Peace ***For-All***. I love it. This is one of the most well thought, ecumenical, peace-loving, Christ-Like resolutions I have ever seen in my life. I for one, am fully on board, and have every intention to vote for this, and I hope you'll join me, in wrestling the earth from fools, and making heaven a place on earth.
My church will be discussing many things, and I accept, and celebrate that our church uses a consensus form of dialogue before making any declarative statements. I agree with that. I just hope that I won't be alone in voting my heartfelt conscience, in what I know in my discernment of how to be a disciple of our creator God. I am always eager to dialogue with people, and make the world a better place. Please pray for me, do express the will of God, in a fair and honorable manner.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Open Letter to People of Faith: Why we shouldn't wait for perfect agreement to build a better world

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. How are we, as a people of faith, supposed to move forward, in the process of building a better world for all people. Can we be building Zion/ Making Heaven a Place on Earth, for the greatest number of people here and now....just make a start, and tweak it and make it better all the time, or do we have time consuming dialogues with esoteric deadlines, in the decades of the future. The former argues in the vein of, " never let perfection be the enemy of the good", that waiting for all sides to perfectly agree, will likely never happen, in the mean-time, tangible real people are suffering, maybe dying. So it is better to get started on policies that progress a population into beneficent understandings of making the lives of people better. The latter argues, that Perfection must be striven for, and come as close as possible to it, before even whispering about changes in policy. This is favored out of a fear that some people will face harmful, malevolent repercussions if an entity makes an effort to make the lives of it's people better.

I will acknowledge that neither side has all the marbles, so to speak. No one has a monopoly on what is right. Although, I will always hold firm to the belief that, what is right now is always right, and what is right now, should be fought for now, and not waited for. We know there is malevolence, and harm, and death now, so why wait to make things better. Some argue that an entity that holds policies close to Zionic life-building for its people, that some of its members will be sanctioned, by the government of that country. In many cases, the people of that country may already be suffering terribly, even without any membership entity taking a stand, unpopular to a particular regime.

I will focus the remainder of my comments regarding the particular position of a need for a Global perspective, yet being unwilling to allow proclamations of being against terror, and being for LGBTQIA people, and Transgender People specifically.

The thing is, what is right is always right. Things don't suddenly become right, because any entity, or nation says they just became right, **for themselves**. How long should we all be acquiescent to the wrong, oppressive, and prejudicial, of laws, and policies, for the sake of coddling a handful of  nations, and their bigoted laws. It is their bigoted laws that are hurting and killing people, not the positions of a people of faith, or of any beneficent group.
We should advocate for the enlightenment of their laws, rather than impede our own policies that would save the lives of many people here, and many people throughout the world. Are the lives of people living in more enlightened countries less valuable, than those in less enlightened? No matter where we fall, or what we vote, blood ***will*** be on our hands. To be asked to acquiesce to a status quo, that does, in fact, harm and kill people, has no more intrinsic value, or moral, than furthering the cause of Zion, now. In fact, I would argue, it is a failure of humanity, and, a true International perspective.
I'm talking about soft-peddling the issue of the Policy Planks proposed for adoption at Conference, by Canada, Australia, and Europe, that publicly proclaim Terrorism to be wrong, and evil and are so right for a Peace, Justice, and a Radically Inclusive Church, but are planned to be curtailed, and silenced. Supposedly because some third world nations laws are against them, and our Church members can't be seen as being associated with them.
In no way am I trying to state that U.S. Laws have anything to do with enlightened human rights. We are, in fact, a human rights laggard, but the Church should be in ***front*** of a Nations laws, and not behind them.
In regards to LGBTQIA Human Rights, I feel equally strong, that the Church should be the Vanguard of Human Rights, and never behind, or an *after the party* laggard in response to acknowledging the truth of Doctrinal beliefs, which should be aligned with what a Creator God sees as Just, and not *cow* to the genocidal, detrimental, and decidedly maleficent, beliefs, policies, and laws, of nations, and churches.
I say again, people are dying, because we as a Church (and a nation), cannot bring itself to unequivocally, and undeniably state precisely, that LGBTQIA people are "born of their mothers womb",(Matt 9:12) and not only have a seat at the table, but are an invaluable part of God's plan, and have full-standing in the Church, eligible for all priesthood callings, and sacraments. We still do not say this. We still do not say that being Transgender is *not* a choice, we are born this way, for a sacred purpose, and that we can marry the person we love, be it a woman, man, or non-binary person.
The intentional *vaguery* surrounding LGBTQIA people in the Church, pertaining to members, potential members, and missionary work, does claim lives. Cowing to the Un-Godly human rights of any nation, leaves blood on all our hands. 

And by all means, we should have policies against torture, kidnapping, drones, terror, assault-weapons, coup-de-etat's, Christian Supremacy, Nationalism, and Fascism.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: THE COLD STAIRWAY: Five Years On

LLHotPinkLeah: Warrior Princess: THE COLD STAIRWAY: Five Years On: This was me 5 years ago, and as I am now. I've been on hormones for 4 years, and had Top (breast enhancement) Surgery a year ago. M...


This was me 5 years ago, and as I am now. I've been on hormones for 4 years, and had Top (breast enhancement) Surgery a year ago. My skin is much softer, some say, my face appears more feminine (I have my doubts). Hormones have helped me gain more than 60 lbs, have not raised my voice, taken away my beard, or alleviated any of the the masculinizing puberty I endured, or given me back any of my hair on top. Hormones have not done all that much for me. I feel Transitioning to full time, and never needing to *hide* my true self, has done more for my chemical harmony in my brain (and sentience) than any hormone, could ever do. I was already at a state of feminine hormonal production, as my Doctor asked if I was lactating, when I moved to Portland.

Far more important than taking Estrogen, and Testosterone blockers, was **Coming Out of the Closet, and cease all lying about who I was**. The freedom to be me, is a daily drive to be my best true chemicals can do that for me. The first half of my Surgical Journey, my Top Surgery, was a *big* uplift. I feel more congruent to my true self. My Bottom Surgery is vitally important, and is life saving for me.

I have been asked by some, to express how I feel about my transition, being 5 years into it. I must say that it has most definitely been the best 5 years of my life, without any doubt whatsoever. I am truly happy for the first time in my life. I do not regret a thing. I did *not* choose to do anything. I engaged my true-authentic self, and shed all guile, lying, and bearing false witness about myself. I am not hiding in any shadows (like from cars at 3 am). That is not a choice. That *is* acceptance of myself. Indeed, it is celebration of myself. I am letting my light so shine before the world.

Losing virtually everything I have ever known, was something I had to endure. I was a 50 year member of an "Out of Touch" Church, that is not receiving any revelation from God. They utterly rejected me, after having called me to Leadership. They called me an "Anti-Christ, a Demon, Getting my discernment and self awareness from Lucifer, destined for Outer Darkness, an Apostate, and that I will have my neck sliced through, and disemboweled. I call that a Cult. Only a Cult would require someone to put their own Salvation in jeopardy (to remain a liar), just for the comfortability of bigots.

In addition to my lifelong faith, I lost my 25 year Marriage (which had been essentially over for more than 18 years), and the rejection of my three daughters. I still have had no contact with them, 3000 miles away. Virtually no family or friends accepted me. I had the exact opposite with Co-Workers, Teammates, Board Members, and Political Friends. I enjoyed 100% acceptance from them. Unfortunately, I had to leave Ohio, for my own sanity. I did have my friend of 44 years, fully accept, and celebrate me. His Mom did, as well. I was even set to care for him as he suddenly became ill, and needed a Lung Transplant. Tragically, he passed away, in a rapid manner. I did not get to say goodbye to him.

Certainly I have had some setbacks, and feeling of depression, and anxiety, but none of it to do with transitioning to be myself. I have had suicidal ideations all of my life, and survived several attempts. I had to endure a 2 years toxic and abusive relationship, to discover I am co-dependent, and that I need to listen to my chosen family. I had a personal attack on me by narcissistic, and jealous folks that saw fit to sabotage my life here, put I have moved on and overcome such nonsense. 

It has been quite an amazing, and joyous adventure, so far. I am happy as never before. I am Positive, and Optimistic as never before. I am truly excited for the Undiscovered Country. I have so much life to live, and so much love to give. Just wait. Just wait till they really get a load outta me.

I want to thank all my Chosen Family and Friends for your continued and unwavering support and love for me. You have buttressed me from devastation, and lifted me from despair. I am grateful to have all of you in my life. I love each and every single one of you.

Faithfully Yours

Leah-Nora Isaak

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Continuing......part Eight.

We Declare, that families have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other, parents to each other, parents to each of their children, Spouses to each other and their children, and all household members to each other. Families with children have a solemn and sacred duty to rear their children in love, empathy, and compassion, free from any and all rejection for any reason whatsoever. Whoever ostrasized a child in any way, for any reason, is worse than an infidel, and in no way can ever inherit any degree of salvation. This type of rejection is like unto murder, and will be listed in the Handbook as such. Additionally, Families with children have a solemn duty to provide for their physical, social, mental, economic, and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and to serve one another, unconditionally,  to be law abiding citizens, and celebratory of all diversities of citizens and non-citizens, whatever the identity, station, status, or location. By no measure may a person in righteousness be compelled or permitted to seek after the codification of any part of Church Doctrine, Cannon, Scriptures, Policies, Values, or Temple Worthiness Questions into the laws of a City, State, or Country, or seek to keep such codified morality especially and doctrines as status-quo I'm any existing laws.

We Declare, an absolute Wall of Separation between any and every church, religion, faith, spirituality, or any degree of Theocracy, singularly, or collectively, AND State, or any Government Entity whatsoever. The Church will no longer accept tax-exempt status, and feel that we are not above the law, in a free, civil, and moral society. We will hereby pay our fair share of taxes, in all forms.

We Declare that Wives, Husbands, Spouses, Children, and all members of Families are commanded, by God, to unconditionally and unequivocally love one another at all times. Any feigned, bogus, or counterfeit love, perpetrated by parents towards children is the most grievous of sins. Children must be removed from such homes, where children are beaten, ridiculed, tortured, or abused in any way, shape, or form for being their true authentic selves. Parents will be excommunicated, and criminal charged brought about to the fullest extent of the law. Wives, Husbands, Spouses, Mothers, Fathers, and Families will be held accountable before God for the discharge of their obligations.

We Declare, the Family to be Ordained of God, including all forms of family (personally procreated or not), are valid, sacred and to be celebrated. Marriage is NOT essential to the Gospel, the Plan of Happiness. Weddings and Marriages are an acceptable practice to publicly declare love, honor and commitment, but it is not a requirement for full salvation, as it is not of God, and will not be recognized in any degree of Paradisical Glory.

Children are entitled to be raised in a family that is openly celebratory for who each others true and authentic identities are. Children are entitled to Parents, Spouses, Mothers, or Fathers that honor the Family Covenant with complete fidelity.

Successful Families are established and maintained on principles of love unfeigned, empathy, compassion, collective and societal accountability and responsibility, altruism, egalitarianism, building up zion, ecumenical and humanitarian work, service to others, stewardship of the Earth, faith, hope, and charity. Greed, Selfishnesss, Mammon servitude, and acquisition are all of the adversary and tear families apart. Wholesome recreational activities are an important part of family life, and never can be seem as interfering with reverencing or keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. Family love and bonding is of paramount preeminence, over the Sabbath, and all Church meetings.

We Declare, that Mother's and/or Father's and/or Spouses are by divine design to be equal partners in absolutely everything in all of life and family. Inequality, any degree of subservience, submission, or presiding authority of one party over another is of the adversary will never be tolerated. Mother's or Father's or Spouses can nurture children equally, successfully. There is no standard, preferred, or perfect family model to seek after. All family forms are valid and sacred.

We WARN, that individuals who violate the commandments against adultery, rape, incest, molestation, pornography, greed, selfishness, or are serving mammon at the expense of their family, or abuse their spouse or children in any way, for their self identity, or otherwise, will stand accountable before God. All members found guilty of such, will be excommunicated,  and punished to the full extent of the law.

We Further Warn, that the denigration and mockery of all the infinite diversities of families, families of difference, will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations, the calamities that they have coming to them.

We Call Upon all responsible, and accountable people, and officers of govermments, everywhere, to promote those policies, laws, and measures designed to publicly recognize the value, validity, and sacredness of all familes, in all shapes and forms. We believe that INFINITE DIVERSITY IN INFINITE FAMILY COMBINATIONS are all divinely ordained of God. All efforts made to ensure this is embraced and celebrated worldwide is divinely called upon for each one of us to act upon and make it so, as is pleasing unto the Lord.

This we say in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

This Proclamation to be read in it's entirety (all eight parts) on Sacrament Meeting, and every formal meeting, including October 2015 General Conference.

Signed, the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the Council of the 21 Apostles.

This concludes this series on the letter that we Mormons should have had read to all of us, in response to the recent Supreme Court, Marriage Freedom decision.....instead of the ALL-IN to bigotry letter that WAS read.

It is shocking, and appalling to see my lifelong church go headstrong, and in so UN-CHRIST-LIKE of a way into beholding itself to new bigotry. The Church had a face-saving way to move forward. The Church could have said, and rightly so, that now there will be millions of TLGBQIA people getting married and LIVING THE LAW OF CHASTITY.......this is a good thing, and they will all be fully welcomed and celebrated with full standing and temple sealings in the Church. NOTHING IN THE GOSPEL DOES GOD COMMAND SUPREMACISM OF CISHETISM, OR COMPELL MEMBERS TO HAVE ANY DEGREE OF BIGOTRY OR EXCLUSION TOWARD TLGBQIA PEOPLE. NOTHING! All church exclusion of others is contrary to the Plan of Happiness, and is completely of the adversary. The Church, I declare, is in open Apostasy, and in need of a new Restoration, and Refounding.

I am A FREE of the bigotry
Free of the exclusion
Free of the supremacism
Free of the triumphalism
Free of the xenophobia
Free of the sexism
Free of the classism
Free of the racism
Free of the Heterosexism
Free of Cisgenderism
Free of religiosity
Free of perpetrating religion on others
Free of usurping the free agency of others
Free of all judgements and judging others
Free of all oppression and repression
Free of Conservativism
Free of greed and selfishness

Just a free and open Mormon Church absent all the baggage.

I hope you will join me.

I welcome your comments.

With Love and Loyalty,


Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Letter the Mormons Should Have Read Today In Church: Part Seven; A New Proclamation on Family, part 3





The plan of happiness always has, and always will apply to all people, equally, and unequivocally. Likewise, the law, of chastity has always been applied in apostasy, and sinfulness of the Church. We must repent.

WE DECLARE THE LAW OF CHASTITY TO BE NULLIFIED AND VOIDED FOR ALL ETERNITY. We must reject, repudiate, and renounce all former belief in, and practice of perpetrating such an ungodly Policy of infidelity to the Gospel. We reject the notion that people, bigoted people and cultures, and any church, business, or institutuon, could have ever excluded people, and use this counterfeit law as a tool to dissafirm, denigrate, oppress, and exclude others. Therefore, we reject what was formerly called the Law of Chastity, which was never from God. As of this day, all past, present, and future relations, marriages, and sealings, that do not include bigamy, plural bigamy, adultery, or concubines, will be considered and celebrated as natural, righteous, Godly, and Chaste.


We declare that abortion is not a killing, is not a murder, and is not the ending of a spirit or soul. The Church will expend every effort to ensure that abortion stays safe and legal, in America and throughout the world. The Church will provide full spectrum of women's health and abottom services where others are not available.

We acknowledge that what has been called the Pri-Life movement is really, decidedly, the ANTI-LIFE Movement. The anti-life movement is a war on women, that seeks to eviscerate righteous and godly programs such as W.I.C., Food Stamps, Children's Nutrition and School meal programs, Head Start, free publoc education through completion of College and Graduate degrees, or anything that resembles social or economic darwinism, and neglect, and oppression of all warm bodied after born humans through death, or supportive of the Death Penalty, Guns, or non supportive of death with dignity, or the Basic Human Rights of Health Care, Food, a home, a job with a liveable wage, and freedom from all oppression or compelling of religion, faith, or infliction of doctrine. One can never be Pro-Life, or Pro-Family, but yet against the sovereignty a woman has over her body, abortion, or any of the above mentioned items.

One can not be against abortion, and/or believe in or support social, economic, or spiritual Darwinism in any form whatsoever, especially if you do not have a home filled with adopted, and fostered children. There are millions of unwanted children in America, and children that age out of the Foster System, having never been loved or Fostered at all. This is an abomination, and is decidedly Anti-Life, and Anti-Family.

We Declare that any perpetration or aquiescent to the genocide against TLGBQIA Children or people, kicked out of their homes, ostrasized from family, is decidedly Anti-Life, Anti-Family, and a sin so grievous as to be forevermore listed with murder on the Handbook of Instructions. Such actions are completely intolerable and unforgivable, and such members will be immediately excommunicated, and will be prosecuted for neglect and abuse, among other things.

End of part Seven of this series, and part 3 of the New Proclamation on Family.

Still to come:

The Responsibilities of Parents
Separation of Church and State
Marriage and Family
and more........

Always Faithful,


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Letter the Mormons Should Have Read in Church Today: Part Six; The New Proclamation on Family, part 2

..........continuing from part 1;

We declare that those who cannot unbury their Talent, and admit to themselves that they are TLGBQIA I'm their lifetime, or people who cannot openly, and proudly embrace, and celebrate TLGBQIA people, cannot be considered Temple Worthy members. No such person can have their calling and election made sure, or achieve any measure of salvation.

We admonish everyone to "come out of the closet", and to openly live and practice as your true authentic self. Furthermore, never hide or bury the Talent you have been given, or none will be added unto you.

It shall be considered canon, doctrine, and a commandment to never be a closeted individual about one's own TLGBQIA identity, or anything else. Guileful mess and the acting on the being of a fake human being, lying, and bearing false witness about your identity is a grievous sin, andshall be listed in the Church Handbook of Instructions, right beside Murder and Rape.

It shall be considered canon, doctrine, and a Commandment that no one should enter into a mixed orientation marriage, neither will any such marriages or sealings be performed or blessed by the Church. Those in current mixed orientation marriages, may be considered to continue, but please be advised this is the commission of lying, bearing false witness, stealing, and selfishness, to enter into such a marriage.

Artificial insemination, and other methods of fertilizing of eggs with or without sperm, uterus transplants for transsexuals, any surgeries deemed necessary by a councelor or doctor, and adoption, are considered to be divinely ordained of God, and righteous endeavors of procreation, and making a family, for all people, including TLGBQIA people.

We acknowledge the divine characteristic of homogender  marriage, or otherwise juxtaposed genders of wives and/or husbands. Quite often, the wife is more butch, or equal to the husband, and/or the husband is more femme, or equal to that of the wife. It was wild infidelity, and hypocrisy to denigrate and demean homosexual people and marriage, while permitting homogeneous people and marriages to exist. Neither are ever to be considered inferior to any other marriages, but homogeneous marriages will not be considered straight or heterosexual marriages, but will be blessed with membership in the TLGBQIA and Queer Community. They are all part of the greatness and divine nature of God's family.

We declare that Gender Identity and Gender Expression are God given Human Rights, and will always be honored and celebrated. We forever accept and celebrate the identities of Transgender, Transsexual, Transvestite, Cross Dresser, Drag Entertainer, Gender fluid, Genderqueer, Bi-Gender, Pan-Gender, Omni-Gender, Androgyne, Agender, Asexual, Intersex, or any other diversity of Gender Identity and Expression, and every Sex Expression, from totally Butch, to totally femme, and everything in between.

We hereby abolish all conformity to linking clothing to reverence, modesty, or sex. There will never again be standards for dress for attending Church, or living life, other than minimum vestments of culture will be required. Men are not to consider the western style business suit, white shirt or tie, a form of reverence or worship, or appropriate Church attire. Women are not to consider the frock, or dress to be a requirement for Church attire. Modesty is always in the eye of the beholder. If you believe someone to be immodest, you are the sinner, just as the Rapist is the sole cause of the rape. Women are never to believe they must hide their bodies, to be acceptable before God, or to present themselves at Church, or anywhere. All styles of any given culture will be acceptable in all Church facilities, and sanctuaries.

End of Proclamation, part 2

Always Faithful,


Friday, July 31, 2015

The Letter That The Mormons Should Have Read In Church Today: Part 5; The NEW PROCLAMATION ON THE FAMILY

 And finally, we wish to declare the following:

We acknowledge that the Proclamation on the Family, from 1995, is wrong, sinful, and never was the word of God. This hateful document was used as a tool of such wickedness, exclusion, and bigotry, it is appalling. To use the document for the purpose of using it as a weapon of mass destruction, via disinformation, disaffirmation, disempowerment, disenfranchisement, difellowshiping, and excommunication of others, targeted for special discrimination, specifically, the TLGBQIA Community, has always been, is, and ever shall be the most diobolical, heinous, wicked, abhorrent, and a most unclean and show of infidelity to Gospel Principles imaginable. These sins will hemseforth be listed in the same catagorize as Murder, and Rape, in the Church Handbook of Instructions.

We completely, and unequivocally, disavow, rescind and recall all copies of, reject, repudiate, and formally renounce the 1995 Proclamation. With sincere humilty we appologize for its issuence, and adoption as doctrine and policy. It never had divine inspiration, and was wholecloth invented by the bigoted will of mistaken men.

In place of this abolished document, we declare the following as, a New Proclamation on the Family, to immediately be regarded as full canon law, and Doctrine.


The First Presidency, and Council of the 21 Apostles, do hereby solemnly proclaim this message as divinely inspired by God. We declare that the Family is ordained of God, and comes is myriad forms and identities. Any one human being is ordained, valid, worthy, and blessed family. Likewise, any 2 human beings are a family, as well, as 3, 4, 5, or more. Any two human beings above the age of 20, can enter into sacred, and governmental ordinaces of weddings, sealings, and marriages. Each and every one of these such relationships will be received in full standing, in lawful, and righteous unions, and marriages of couples, and Families. Any one person, over 20, can do the same with themselves, and marry themself. They are a family. To be clear, this includes all those formerly, and wrongfully, excluded Transgender, Transsexual, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Intersex, Asexual, or other Queer Community individuals, who will now be forming righteous and valid sealings and marriages. Cisgender and Heterosexual Marriages are never to be considered more valid, more righteous, more Godly, or otherwise superior, in any way whatsoever.

All human beings have a sex and a gender. Sex is that which is culturally construed as a label, according to our genitalia. The human body is not eternal, and will not be resurrected to the same sex they lived their lives on Earth. The Human body is a simple vessel, a symbiote, for the purpose of carrying the far more important gender of a person.

Gender is what is eternal, and what is a Temple, sacred and pure, not ones sex. Sex and Gender shall never be conflated, or seen as related in any way. There are Homo bodied persons, and Trans bodied persons, and they are as normal and valid as left and right handedness.

Gender is a Prime characteristic of every individual, in their premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose. Gender is in ate to the sentience of a human being. It is that sentience that is a persons Temple, and the most sacred part of a person. The exact sentience/gender of a person on Earth, is what an ascended eternal individual will have forever. There is no such thing as being cured, fixed, repaired, counseled, or changed to a different gender.

Transgender Women will be resurrected to a female bodied ascended being. Transgender Men will be resurrected to a male bodied ascended being. Other circumstances will require the diversity from which they were created. Gender is uniquely created by God, and is never repeated. Having been approximately 210 Billion human beings every existing on Earth to date, there has been 210 billion different and unique genders.

Sex, on the other hand, is far more limited, and is finite. To date, there are a minimum of 68 sexes, chromosomially. Diversity and circumstances will require adjustments to policies, but all are valid, worthy, and Godly. Gender and Sex are created by God, for divine purposes, and are hard wired, and genetic.

TLGBQIA People are born of their mothers womb for the Kingdom of Heavens sake. TLGBQIA Peoplease have a special calling, blessing, and election, having been chosen from the most Valiant of the Spirit Children. They are those spoken of by God, "many are called, but few are chosen". Heavenly Mother and Father created each of us with special callings, blessings, and Talents.

Being Cisgender and/or Heterosexual is never to be considered a superior calling, or Talent. Being TLGBQIA is never to be considered or treated as inferior, or a curse of any kind. Being TLGBQIA is to be considered a special Talent, a special blessing, and sacred, to be forever celebrated and affirmed.

end of Part 5, The New Proclamation, part 1. There will be 3 more parts to come.

Always with Love,


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Letter That Should Have Been Read In Church Today: Part Four

Part 4, of a continuing series;

We further recognize and declare the extreme infidelity and apostasy the Church has perpetrated regarding Marriage and Family. 

Effective immediately, the 1995 Proclamation on Family is officially disavowed, rejected, renounced, and repudiated. Further remarks on that document and it's replacement will follow. 

We declare and admit that to ever exclude any family or couple from full standing and fellowship of the Church was, is, and always will be a sin of wickedness. We are sorry. We fully apologize for these bigoted actions and policies. 

To exclude others based on  i from God, but rather solely on disguised notions from the adversary, including cissexism, and heterosexism. This was and always be the epitome of being Un-Christlike. All of scripture and doctrine refutes the sinfully policy that we adhered to with rapacious indignation. 

We 1  that all doctrinal and policy exclusions of TLGBQIA People was and always will be wrong, and Un-Christlike. We seek only to be Christ-like. 

Therefore, effective immediately, all Church Buildings, Temples, and resources will be available for the performance of all ordinaces, weddings, marriages, and sealingshe to all monogamous couples. Total Marriage Freedom and Marriage Equality will be Celebrated for all couples who are, or identify in any of the TLGBQIA and Queer Spectrum and Universe throughout the Church is now absolute Canon, Doctrine, Policy, Practice, and Lived Experience. No conditions or exclusions will be tolerated, and will be grounds for excommunication.

The Theology of Marriage is something that Christ himself, refuted. It is something that has been invented by human beings, and not God. The definitions have continuously changed in every generation.  The Theology of Marriage Supremacy, and the sinfulmess of TLGBQIA ifentities, and the acting upon them as being a sin, was, is, and ever shall be extreme infidelity to the teachings and Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We declare with all humilty, and supplication do proclaim our deepest sorrow, regret, and apology for this sinfulness and apostasy we perpetrated for far too long. It was never right to do, not ever. We are sorry and ask for forgiveness, which we must earn, by the lived experiences of those we marginalized. 

In accordance with each of these Proclamations, we will interview the entire membership for approval, acceptance, and celebration. Any member found to be disbelieving or in any disagreement with all, or any portion of this Public Letter, Proclamation, will be immediately excommunicated. 

We further declare some changes as follows. The names of the Church Universities with be scrapped, and disavowed. The First School was Ricks College, and changed to BUU-IDAHO, will revert to Ricks University. The second school, BYU-Provo will become Deseret University. The third school, BYU-Hawaii, will become Pacific University of the Saints.

The Church will immediately cease all affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America. A suitable alternative scouting program for boys will be found, until then, "Achievement Days" will now be for boys. Girls will be able to join Girl Scouts of America, as the Church formally squires ties to this wonderful organization.

A gender neutral restroom will be fitted in every Church building. All members will unconditionally be able to access the bathroom of the sex and gender they identify.

The practice of sanctioning, shaming, and difellowshiping members will be discontibued. No one shall ever again be asked not to partake of the Sacrament, or not to speak in Church, or not to offer prayers, or teatimonies, or refrain from attending Sunday School, Relief Society/Priestesshood or Priesthood. All members will be equal, and have full standing. No one will be respected or disrespected. No one will ever be forbade from Coming Unto Christ.

Women can now serve missions at 18, and for 2 years.

The Church stands in Favor of the ERA, and will make efforts to ensure its swift passage.

The Church disavows all opposition to abortion and a woman's sovereign right to control her own body. The Church will ensure abortion stays safe and legal.

The Church disavows all opposition to birth control.

The Church disavows all opposition to cremation.

The Church disavows, renounces and repudiates the baptism by proxy of unrelated individuals who are deceased, unsolicited individuals, or individuals that are deceased and have not asked for it, or the family or Church objects.

The Church disavows, rejects, repudiates, and renounces all notions of supremacism and triumphalism. The Church is a good and AFFIRMATIONAL PATH, but it is far from being the ONLY path.

The Church drops all affiliations with the Republican Party, the Tea Party, or Conservativism. The Church formally rejects, repudiates, and renounces any and all suggestions to vote for the Republican Party, in any election, past, present, or future.

This is the beginning,  not the end. We have much to atone for. These are but a few of the great sins we have committed, but ask that you give us a second chance. We formally invite all those who have left the Church, to come back, and join with us in this sacred effort to leave OUR APOSTETIC State, and Renew, Reform, Restore, and Re-found the Church.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

End of part 4.

In Part 5, a replacement for the 1995 Family Proclamation.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Letter the Mormons Should Have Read in Church Today: Part Three

This is the third installment of my series focusing on the formal declaration letter the Mormon Church had had read in Church the last couple of weeks since Marriage Freedom became legal.

The Church just can't stand that they got their Political Partisan Perpetrations and Intrusions asses handed to them by the majority of evidenced by their steaming pile of crap insolence, indicative of going ALL-IN to bigotry in a very public way. They are fully an apostate church, that speaks with a guileful, hypocritical, and infidel heart and mind, with declared policy.

In part one, I gave the formal preface, and covered appologies for being a bigoted church, and a promise to forego such wickedness in the future. I went on to discuss the filthy RACIST PAST AND PRESENT OF THE CHURCH, and a promise to change, with RADICAL INCLUSION.

In part 2, I went on to discuss the extreme abomination o Church SEXISM IN THE PAST AND PRESENT, the falacy of PROSPERITY DOCTRINE, CAPITALISM, AND CLASSISM.

HERE IS Part three:

FOURTH;  WE acknowledge the  extreme infidelity and apostasy of Polygamy, and plural Bigamy. This notion was never from God to be practiced at any time in the current era, or ever in the future.

Polygamy was, is, and forever will be a grievous sin, and will never be tolerated. We hereby reject, repudiate, and renounce all past and present practice of this sin, by the church, and all it's members who ever engaged in it. We further renounce all ties and associations with cults and compounds that practice polygamy.

FIFTH;  WE fully recognize what has caused our epiphany, and unanimous mighty change of heart. We seek to align with what Jesus, and Heavenly Parents have always wanted for us. The Approval of TLGBQIA being able to be legally married in America has been the spark. We finally see the light. We seek, and promise to reject, repudiate, and renounce all past, present, and future bigotry of any stripe.

We hereby recognize the FREEDOM TO MARRY, and will make every effort to ensure that every human being has and is afforded this God-given basic human right.

We, with all humilty, and supplication to the Lord, say, WE ARE SORRY AS A CHURCH, COLLECTIVELY, AND INDIVIDUALLY, to have ever been in the business of bigotry targeted specifically towards our Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual people all over the world, by all members, and the Official Church, toward our beautiful and Godly Queer Community.

We are sorry. We are truly sorry, and we hereby formally appologise, and humbly ask for your forgiveness.

We recognize that as a Church, we were committing and perpetrating grave infidelity and apostasy. To be beholden to RADICAL EXCLUSION, DENIGRATION, DISCRIMINATION, INTOLERANCE, SHAMING, FEAR, HATE, CISSEXISM, AND HETEROSEXISM ALWAYS WAS, IS, AND EVER SHALL BE THE MOST WICKED OF SINS. Such sins will now be grouped with "Murder, and Rape"

We recognize that all TLGBQIA people, are children of God, and will now have the opportunity to marry, and have weddings, IN THE TEMPLE, and in all Church buildings, for the sacred ordinances to be given to these kind and loving human beings.

Furthermore, God never gave such a command or prophesy to the Church or anyone to act in this bigoted, exclusionary way. God never gave us the excuse to orchestrate, and perpetrate such an evil policy, in the Church, or in any Government. No religion, and not the Mormon Church has any right to USURP THE FREE AGENCY OF EVERYONE, AND FORCIBLY CO-OPT THEM IN THE CHURCH VIA ALL CODIFICATION EFFORTS, AND GOVERNMENT POLICY.

We further recognise, that this bigoted and evil policy has effectively CAUSED A GENOCIDE, among the membership of the Church, and society at large. We acknowledge that the Mormon Church is complicit in the deaths of countless thousands of TLGBQIA people. We must repent as a Church, and every member that held such bigoted beliefs, must also repent. A new Temple Recommend question will include the following;  Have you ever acted on the evil policy of excluding TLGBQIA people from Church, or from EQUAL RIGHTS IN SOCIETY. Have you ever ostrasized a child from your home, for being an TLGBQIA CHILD OF GOD.

It was extreme bigotry and absence of godliness, along with Apostasy, and Infidelity, of all Prophets, Presidents, and General Authority to authorize and write into Church Policy, anti TLGBQIA propaganda, literature, and pamphlets, to shame them, and inhibit them from coming out and embracing their salvation of finally being absent all guile, and of all lying, and bearing false witness about themselves. We acknowledge that this directly caused the death of thousands.

We are sorry, and ask for forgiveness.

It was extreme infidelity and apostasy to target TLGBQIA people, or their Allies, for disfellowship, or excommunicatuon, or otherwise sactioned such individuals, or threatened them that they quit, or resigned from the Church.

The following PROCLAMATION ON TOTAL CECATION OF ALL BIGOTRY IN THE CHURCH will immediately take effect;

1. Never Again will the Church forbid any targeted person from full standing in the Church.

2. ....or from any office, or position, or leadership in the Church

3. ....or forbid any TLGBQIA person from any ordinances or blessings.

4. ....nor will the Church  forbid,  via application of Doctrine, or Institutionally any targeted population, or perpetrate or acquiesce to any form of discrimination or bigotry.

5. Never again will the Church ever preach any bigotry or exclusion on any form.

6. Never again will the Church preach TRIUMPHALISM, or that we are the only true church, or that there is only one path to salvation.

7. Never again will the Church, because of GENDER IDENTITY, GENDER EXPRESSION, SEX, OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION, ever exclude people in any way, or view them doctrinally as inferior, in any way, or sinful in any way. We further declare, a Universal God-Given Human Right to full and complete Expression. Expression of all forms  of Gender Identity, all forms of medical steps to make the body congruet, including SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERY, as well as all SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS, or lack therof.


I will further elaborate on Marriage Equality, and other issues in Part 4.



Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Letter the Mormons Should Have Read in Church Today, Part Two

(CONTINUING from part one, which covered Racism in the Church, and an admission  of guilt and appology)........

Second:  We acknowledge the extreme infidelity and Apostasy  that Brigham Young instituted with ending the progression of the Female Priestesshood. The bigotry of Sexism is not of God, and never will be. We come to you, the membership of the Church, as well as all former members, with sincere humility, and sorrow to plead for forgiveness for perpetrating the faulty, and indeed, sinful thinking of male supremacy. Males are in no way whatsoever superior to Females. Females are in no way whatsoever to be inferior, subservient, submissive, or dictated to males.

We acknowledge the extreme infedelity and apostasy in having the Church openly oppose the ERA. EQUAL Rights for all women, all Trans Women, and all Feminine identifying people has always been the will of God. The Church is guilty of subverting God, and following an Apostetic policy of ever treating women with less than total equality in all Church Standing, and all inclusion in the greater society. This is forever the will and command of God.

I'm accordance with this Proclamation on Female Equality, we hereby acknowledge and carry out the full policy and doctrines of total female equality, and ordained with all the rights, privileges, and standing in all Church callings, positions, power, and authority. No prophesy of God ever withheld these blessings, and acknowledge they should have been fundamental doctrines since the founding of the Church. To be clear, women, all women will have the opportunity to openly use the Priestesshood they already have. The Priestesshood is not ever to be, in lived experience and actual doctrine, inferior to the Priesthood, or ever thought of as such. Women will be called to the highest authority in the Church, including the Council of the Twelve Apostles, the First Presidency, and the President and Prophet of the Church. So say we one, so say we all.

In this spirit, we do hereby immediately dissolve the General Authorities positions, and total equity in all callings to come forth, being 11 women, and 10 men, in the new Council of the 21, and 3 women, and 1 man in the First Presidency,  and Equal Chance for women to hold the office of President and Prophetess. Simple majority will now be the order of consideration in all things, and the past demand of total unanimity will be forever done away with.

Therefore, the Church is drafting an Amicus Brief demanding the swift passage of the newly resurrected Equal Rights Amendment. We will put the full weight of the Church behind this effort, and proudly and openly encourage all members to organize and work hard for national passage, of the Equal Rights Amendment, which reads, "There shall be no discrimination based on sex, sex identity, gender, Gender identity or expression".

THIRD:   We acknowledge the extreme infidelity and apostasy, in the perpetration, and faulty thinking of Individualism, as well as Provident, Success, and Prosperity doctrines, and theologies. Classism is a bigotry that never came from God. No one will ever be thought of or judged favkratively because of ability to acquisition mammon. (Mammon being money) Money is the root of all evil, not the mere love of money. Money necessarily dichotomizes all people, which is always of the adversary.

No person shall ever be judged well, or poorly, bases on ability to perform in a Capitalist System, which is of the adversary. The Church rejects Capitalism, and will proceed to make amends in all its dealings.  Mammon is not of God, and never will be. Beholdeness to wealth is idolotry, and is of the adversary.

The Law of Tithing is to be shortlived. Forthcoming, the New United Order will be phased in. Until such time, the 10% flat rule of regressivity will be done away with. Such a 10% rule was never of God, and was a distranslation of the will of God. A new Progressive tithing will be in place, according to the ability to pay. If you have a low or no income, you will not be expected to pay anything. If you have higher incomes, you will be expected to pay 50, 60, and even 70% of your income. Tithing will apply to income, all increase, and total aggravate wealth. The idea that tithing is to be considered charitable giving, is not of God, and will be forever discontinued. In this vain, a Humanitarian Aid donation will be expected for full standing, and will be equal to all tithes offered. Additionally, outside Church, charitable giving will be compulsory.

Along the same type of bigotry is the idea of Nepotism and Leagacied leadership by virtue of family name. This was never from God, and will be forever discontinued. Legacy will have no bearing whatsoever in any calling, including all General Authority. All callings will come from all classes. God is no respector nor disrespector of person's, and neither will the Church be. A poor and destitute Church member will have the same opportunity and right to every calling, including President. Any member, from any country, Any race, class, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation will be considered for all offices.

We repudiate, renounce, and reject, the seeking of wealth, and the Classist system of trickle down social darwinism Bigotry in America and the World. As of today, all Church finances will be 100% transparent, and available to the General Public. 75% of all Church income will be uses for Humanitarian endeavors, in America, and throughout the world. 25% will go to the Church Welfare System. The Church will divest itself of Capitalist ventures, including Malls and businesses. All Church buildings and Temples will be funded through targeted donations by private individuals.

End of Part 2

Still to come, watch for;

Proclamations on Polygamy
Marriage and Family
TLGBQIA freedom and equlity
